What is trust?
Estate Planning

What is trust?

In a trust, the trustor, or first party, gives the trustee the power to hold title to assets for the benefit of the beneficiary, or

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What is a Probate Lawyer?
Estate Planning

What is a Probate Lawyer?

The probate process includes paying off the deceased’s debts and distributing the estate’s assets according to the will or state law. Probate lawyers, also referred

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How to apply for a probate?
Estate Planning

How to apply for probate?

What is a Probate? The Latin verb “probate” means to test or scrutinize, while the English word “probate” implies “to prove.” The executor of the

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How to probate a will?
Estate Planning

How to probate a will?

The term “probate” refers to the court assessment of the copy of the Will. Moreover, it is accompanied by a grant of administration of the

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